Saturday, April 9, 2011

I have little experience, I know there's not many of these roles out there, but find me a job!

Over the last few weeks I have spoken to over hundred candidates and held countless interviews. The over-arching theme I have uncovered is that candidates have unreasonable expectations. I have spoken to candidates with among other things: no experience, not the right qualifications, a belief that they should just be given a client list, and wanting to change careers. But they all have one thing in common - the expectation that it will be easy, and that prospective employers will happily give them a go. That employers will conveniently cover the cost of their employment while they get the experience, settle into a new career, have a "hot" client book just waiting for them. To be fair though, it most cases the candidates realise that their wish list is just that, but they just need to hear it from the consultant.

As their consultant I explain to them that it's not that easy, that I have been where they are currently, that they should put  themselves into the employers shoes for a moment and think would they do what they're expecting the employer to do? I advise candidates to come back to me with a revised resume, targeting the role they're after, giving me more background information on their experience and why they would be well suited for a particular role. All this makes them think some more, and makes my job to sell them to the clients far easier. I cannot rightfully recommend a candidate to a client for placement if I know he/she would not be suitable. You may get the placement, but you'll then have to replace that person soon after they start

To the candidates I say - please be realistic, with a dash of empathy. To the consultants I say - do as your title suggests, and consult your candidates. Always remember - "today's candidates could be tomorrow's clients"

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